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このページは マツダ技報 2012 No.30 の電子ブックに掲載されている182ページの概要です。
マツダ技報 2012 No.30
No.30(2012)マツダ技報Therefore Mazda’s RVM fully complies with ISO 17387that specifies system requirements and test methods forLane Change Decision Aid Systems (LCDAS).4.3 Results from external researchMazda reviewed research of field tests such as theIntegrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems Project(IVBSS) (6) among many others. The IVBSS used morethan 100 non-professional testers in a naturalistic, 40day driving test on vehicles that were equipped withdifferent active safety systems, among them a RVM-typefunction. The review showed: 25% told they increasedtheir turn signal use. 20% increased their generalawareness and 13% had more awareness of the blindspot region. The RVM-type function was rated highestfor satisfaction and usefulness in particular whenchanging lanes and merging into traffic. 7 driversreported that a RVM-type warning they receivedprevented them from crashing during a lane change ormerging into traffic.Mazda could confirm similar effects during the prototypetest phase done in various locations of the world.5. The technical performance verification of RVM5.1 Selection of test scenesDuring the development verification tests were used toconfirm the production readiness, detection effectiveness,but also the fault free function of RVM. Later tests werecarried out with external partners that should neutrallyconfirm the performance of RVM. In Germany this wasdone together with BAST, the Federal HighwayResearch Institute.(7) 17 different scenarios wereselected that cover almost all possible configurations forthe approach of cars in a target lane in longitudinal andtransversal direction with speed differences of up to50km/h. They represent all typical accident scenarios forlateral accidents with lane change as stated in theGIDAS research. Examples are shown on the right.BAST measured the detection distance L, notifyingtiming accurateness (5.5s Time-To-Collision) and thepossible influence on different turn signal setting timingsby the driver. This should give evidence that theexpected warn process of detecting a critical approachand warning to the driver should he intend to changelane, was achieved. A further important part wasconfirmation of the absence of potential false positive ornegative detections.Fig.4 Examples of Test Scenarios for Critical Approach5.2 Test ResultsThe test results showed that RVM is able to detectcars fault-free and at required precision within thedesigned areas. The calculation of the TTC was correctand the warning was issued timely independent of driverbehaviour. False positive or negative detections were notpresent. This is very much in line with the results fromthe IVBSS project which had found that radar basedRVM-type functions have the highest reliability.6. The application to Euro NCAP Advanced Award6.1 The application of Euro NCAP Advanced AwardIn 2010 the Euro NCAP consortium had started toaward automotive OEMs with a Euro NCAP AdvancedAward for introducing advanced safety systems to themarket without any legal obligation. As Mazda hadsuccessfully tested and deployed RVM throughout itscore models, Mazda decided to apply for this awardthrough developing a comprehensive application report.6.2 The AwardOn 23rd of September 2011 the Euro NCAP AdvancedAward for Rear Vehicle Monitoring was handed out toMazda during the Frankfurt Motor Show acknowledgingMazda’s efforts to raise vehicle safety beyond theconventional levels through applying advancedtechnology.Fig.5 The Euro NCAP Advanced Award―173―