ブックタイトルマツダ技報 2012 No.30


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マツダ技報 2012 No.30





マツダ技報 2012 No.30

マツダ技報No.30(2012)7. Future outlook to lane change assist systems7.1 Intelligent detection and functionThe next challenge in further improving RVM will beto detect the driver intention, even if the driver does notindicate his lane change wish by using the turn signal.This will only be possible by using additional informationfrom other sensors. It will have another big impact onRVM effect.Further RVM should distinguish the criticality of thesituation in a more differentiated way. Doing a lanechange, when a vehicle is already in the blind spot or theTTC is very short, should effect a different, strongerreaction of the vehicle.Finally the driver of a car is facing the difficulty tojudge, if e.g. he better performs a critical lane change ore.g. executes a hazard braking, if a lane is blocked ahead.Here a criticality check and advice by RVM would be adesirable new feature.7.2 Human Machine Interface HMIWith regards to the HMI we expect also in future aprogress. Warning chimes should be restricted for actual,imminent dangers.As RVM is mostly dealing with less critical situations,the HMI should be adapted. Research projects arescheduled that aim at a lane change assistant that notonly detects suitable gaps on an adjacent lane, but alsocan advice proper speed and steering to reach them.Should the driver aim at a critical lane change thatwould lead to a crash, a different interaction of the RVMshould be considered. This could be even a steeringimpulse preventing the driver from lane changing.Ref.(1) Destatis, Official German Statistics Office,Publication of annual accident statistics,www.destatis.de(2) Gidas, German In Depth Accident Study, of realaccidents that get reconstructed through an expertteam by in depth analysis on the accident location.Database with more than 20000 accidents withinjury/fatality is already available.(3) Study on lane departure warning and lane changeassistant systems, Transport Research Laboratory,England 2005(4) Olsen et al, Eye glance behaviour during lanechanges and straight ahead driving, Journal ofTransport Research Board, USA 2005/ vol. 1937,p.44-50(5) Review of the“Looked, but failed to see”accidentcausation factor, Department for Transport, England2005, Report 60(6) Integrated Vehicle Based Safety Systems - LightVehicle Field Operational Test ? Methodology andTest Results Report, University of Michigan, USA2010, UMTRI-2010-30 report(7) BAST Bundesanstalt fur Strassenwesen, FederalGerman Highway Research Center, www.bast.de is agovernmental research organisation for road /transport related research including accidentology.■Authors■8. ConclusionsMazda has successfully developed and introducedRear Vehicle Monitoring, which supports the driver toconfirm vehicles in the blind spot of his mirror or inapproach to that. RVM is assisting drivers in a fact baseddecision on executing or aborting a lane change. In thisway it is possible to reduce typical lane change accidentsthat are quite frequent on multi lane roads / highways allover the world. RVM has proven its performance andcustomers put their confidence in its trustworthyrecommendation. Mazda is proud to have received theEuro NCAP Advanced Award for introducing thisadvanced safety technology.Mazda is continuously developing new safety systemstowards the vision of a zero accident traffic.Christian Schultze Takashi Takemoto Takashi Terano―174―