マツダ技報 2017 No.34

■著 者■ 岸 篤秀 -144- 参考文献 マツダ技報 岡本 宜久 岩瀬 耕二 農沢 隆秀 No.34(2017)(1) Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, Lon-don, UK. [Online]. Available:www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/ spm. Accessed on: October 21, 2014 (2) Astafiev,V.,et al. "Functional Organization of Hu-man Intraparietal and Frontal Cortex for Attending, Looking, and Pointing." Journal of Neuroscience 23,11,4689-4699(2003) (3) 例えば,Bechara,A.,et al.“Emotion, Decision Mak-ing and the Orbitofrontal Cortex.”Cerebral Cortex 10,3,295-307(2000) (4) 例えば,Newsome,W.T.,et al. “A Selective Impair-ment of Motion Perception Following Lesions of the Middle Temporal Visual Area (MT).” Journal of Neuroscience,8,6,2201-2211(1988) 笹岡 貴史 千葉 正基 西川 一男 吉田 敏宏 道田 奈々江 山脇 成人

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