マツダ技報 2021 No.38

(IDETC/CIE2020)―169―1.社外講演(海外) 2020.1.24-292020.2.23-272020.3.5-62020.4.2-52020.4.21-23WCX 2020 SAE World Congress 2020.5.31-8.31ICRA 2020- Internatinal Conference 2020.7.16-202020.8.16-1938th International Symposium on CombustionTMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting & ExhibitionInternational Conference on Industrial Applications of Adhesives 2020Advances in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Therapies (AATAD/PD2020)Experienceon Robotics and AutomationApplied Human Factors & Ergonomics, the 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors & Ergonomics (AHFE2020)The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2020 E■ect of low-temperature chemistry on the wall heat flux in HCCI combustionComparison of Fracture Morphologies and Hydrogen States Present in Vicinity of Fracture Surface Obtained by Di■erent Methods of Evaluating Hydrogen Embrittlement of DP and TRIP SteelsHigh damping weld bonds adhesive for automotive applicationsA Study and Evaluation Using Voice to Gauge the Driving Ability of the ElderlyDroplet Behaviors of DI Gasoline Wall Impinging Spray by Spray SlicerMuscle and Brain Activations in Cylindrical Rotary Controller Manipulation with Index Finger and ThumbTowards a Truly Cooperative Guidance and Control: Generic Architecture for Intuitive Human-Machine CooperationDesign Space Analysis Method for Support of System Design under the Consideration of Uncertainties in the Early DesignstageY. MinamotoY. KondoK. OsawaY. HaradaM. ShimuraM. TanahashiSteve HweM. HiguchiM. NakamuraT. TakanoT. OkazakiJ. TakemuraY. OmiyaS. ShinoharaS. MitsuyoshiS. TokunoMarcel UsaiRonald Meyer H. Nagahara Y. TakedaFrank FlemischTokyo institute of technologyTokyo institute of technologySunstar Engineering AmericasIAW of RWTH Aachen UniversityUniversity, and Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information, Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE)東京大学同上同上統合制御システム開発本部同上電子基盤開発部浅里 大地高井 健一溝上 達志深堀  貢西田 貴富八巻  悟氷室 雄也駱  洪亮王   超西田 恵哉尾形 陽一隆  武強張   武原  亮介藤川 竜也岡谷 梨央積際  徹横川 隆一成末 充宏西村 啓人武田 雄策原  利宏青山 和浩内堀 嘉洋大泉 和也平松 繁喜宇根﨑 弘近藤 秀一サンスター技研(株)車体技術部技術研究所東京大学同上同上統合制御システム開発本部同上PST(株)東京大学同上同上広島大学大連理工大学広島大学同上大連理工大学パワートレイン技術開発部同上同上同志社大学同上同上技術研究所同上同上同上同上技術研究所同上IAW of RWTH Aachen 日程題目発表者*所属は原則発表時点を示す同上同上Mazda Motor Corporation同上上智大学同上技術研究所同上所属社外への発表論文一覧表(2020年1月~12月)主催・大会名

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