マツダ技報 2021 No.38

―171―Engineering (PCTFE), on transport phenomena (ISTP31)The 31th International symposium 3DEXPERIENCE® Modeling & simulation virtual conference 2020Engineers (KSME)(ACSMO 2020)Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2020 Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization2020.10.13-16Pacific Center of Thermal Fluids 2020.11.172020.11.22-26The Korean Society of Mechanical 2020.11.25Numerical and experimental studies of heat transfer for straight and 90 degree curved ductMazda Development Process Innovation utilizing SFE ConceptRobust Design Using Interval Design Variables for MDOResearch on cross-sectional shape of lightweight and highly functional car body flame by bidirectional engineering and mathematics approachGUO GUANNING広島大学同上同上同上同上MBD革新部同上同上同上衝突性能開発部ボデー開発部統合制御システム開発本部香川大学統合制御システム開発本部電子基盤開発部香川大学技術研究所日程主催・大会名題目発表者尾形 陽一神垣 雅也井上 佑哉西田 恵哉山本  亮幸徳 正信横畑 英明本郷  均木崎  勇松岡 智恵宇根﨑 弘荒川 雅生平松 繁喜近藤 秀一佛圓 哲朗本田 正徳所属

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