
(ICCMA 2022)(ACS 2022)―175―2022.10.252022.10.28-30ILASS Asia 20222022.11.2-32022.11.9-122022.11.102022.11.12-16Neuroscience 2022, the Society for 2022.11.19-2210th Annual Conference on 2022.11-28-3015th Airbag2022Visual-JW 202211th Automotive Passive Safety Technology and Regulation Symposium (11th PSTARS)2022 The 10th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation Executive Committee of International Conference on Flow DynamicsNeuroscience’s 51st Annual MeetingAdvances in Cognitive Systems Particle-based Simulation of Slag Transfer Process During Metal Active Gas WeldingVortex Flow Patterns with Single or Twin String Cavitation in Multi-Hole Mini-Sac Diesel Fuel Injectors and SpraysSingle String Cavitation and Swirling Flow in a Nozzle and a Hollow-Cone SprayA study on the relationship between pedestrian thorax injury and head injury criterion at passenger car to pedestrian collision.Active reduction of transient driveline oscillations with fuzzy update timings of control inputFlow topology on ahmed body with a deflector by a sub-grid global skin-friction measurement methodTemporal attention-mediated enhancement of N60 toward facial a■ect: From the perspectives of awareness and trait anxietyE■ect of change-related response on access processing to visual awarenessCortical synchronization at the theta-band is relevant to exogenously-driven perceptual alternation of the binocular rivalry: A transcranial alternating current stimulation studyRepresenting Motivation in a Simple Perceptual and Motor Coordination Task based on a Goal Activation MechanisImprovement of safety in the deep oblique crashSplit tether to position the driver’s airbag driver’s bodybetween the steering wheel and the Dlukha NurcholikDongping ShenTran the HungM. SuzukiT. UrakawaT. ImaniO. ArakiY. KuritaT. UrakawaK. UenoM. MitaniO. ArakiH. GotoT. UrakawaY. KuritaK. UenoO. Araki米沢 平成米沢 安成梶原 逸朗波多野 崇平松 繁喜西留 千晶土黒 聖斗安養寺正之内田 孝紀中島 卓司清水 圭吾西川 純平長島 一真米田  凌森田 純哉寺田 哲也竹下 弘明岡田 慎二晝田 輝彦宮島 陽一晝田 輝彦越川 公裕小川  誠大阪大学同上東北大学ドライブトレイン開発部技術研究所同上神戸大学同上同上広島大学同上同上MBD革新部神戸大学同上同上マツダ(株)MBD革新部同上衝突性能開発部北海道大学同上同上統合制御システム開発本部同上キャテック(株)九州大学同上同上同上広島大学技術研究所東京理科大学統合制御システム開発本部東京理科大学同上東京理科大学統合制御システム開発本部東京理科大学同上同上東京理科大学統合制御システム開発本部東京理科大学同上同上静岡大学同上同上同上統合制御システム開発本部衝突性能開発部同上同上衝突性能開発部同上Joyson Safety Systems Japan G.K.同上日程主催・大会名題目発表者深澤 孝公田中  学茂田 正哉山田 哲生深堀  貢斉藤 直子三輪  誠宋  明良西田 恵哉川口 幹祐松本 有平和田 好隆三輪  誠宋  明良横畑 英明和田 好隆植木 義治曽我部 洋所属

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