マツダ技報 2020 No.37

(WEKA FACHMEDIEN GmbH)The Virtual Rearity Society,(The 15th International Conference Visualization)(ESV)on Combustion (ASPACC)―104―1.社外講演(海外) 2019.2.13-142019.3.23-272019.4.22019.4.9-112019.5.222019.5.27-302019.6.92019.6.10-132019.7.1-5Automotive Ethernet Congress 2019 IEEE Computer SocietyIEEE VR 2019VECS 2019 in Gothenburg, SwedenFuture Mobility comes true through the SAE World Congress Experience 2019 (WCX19)International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationWorld Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationFLUCOME 2019on Fluid Control, Measurements and The Organization for Human Brain Mapping2019 OHBM Annual MeetingPeer-Reviewed Journal for the 26th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles 12TH The Asia-Pacific Conference Comparative Analysis on the EMC Characteristics of 1Gbps Electrical and Optical EthernetMaterial Surface Reproduction and Perceptual Deformation with Projection Mapping for Car Interior DesignModel Based DevelopmentDevelopment of Fuel Sloshing Evaluation Technique upon Crash Using Fluid-Structure Interaction SimulationStructural topology optimization with strength of gasoline pistonSpatio-Temporal Analysis of Correlation between the Cavitation Forming insideInjectorand the Progress of Liquid Jet AtomizationCortico-subcortical interactions underlying anxiety elicitation and regulation during drivingRelationship between frontal car-to-car test result and vehicle crash compatibility evaluation in mobile progressive deformable barrier testDevelopment of C3H6 surface reaction mechanism on Pt/Al2O3 monolith catalyst based on gaseous and surface species measurementsShock tube study of ignition delay time of n-nonane 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-pantaneSet NAINGI Putu Angga KRISTYAWAN宗村 宏晃西尾  茂宋  明良西田 恵哉和田 好隆植木 義治横畑 英明笹岡 貴史原田 宗子佐藤 大地道田奈々江米澤 泰延髙山 雅年農沢 隆秀山脇 成人渡辺 泰介黒田 一平中嶋 太一増田 光利下栗 大右日隈 聡士村上  浩松本 有平竹林 広行三好  明山田 眞平﨑間 俊明松原 圭輝下栗 大右三好  明遠藤 琢磨八房 智顯乃生 芳尚斉藤 史彦神戸大学同上同上広島大学MBD革新部同上同上広島大学同上技術研究所広島大学技術研究所同上同上広島大学日産自動車(株)衝突性能開発部日本自動車研究所トヨタ自動車(株)広島大学 同上熊本大学走行・環境性能開発部広島大学 同上走行・環境性能開発部広島大学広島大学同上同上同上同上同上広島工業大学技術研究所同上日程題目発表者河渕 量平湯本大次郎竹澤 拓朗岩井 大輔佐藤 宏介原  利宏武田 雄策村瀬 健二足立 智彦山内 一矢嘉村 浩二花田  裕小島 宏介市川 和男*所属は原則発表時点を示す所属商品戦略本部日産自動車(株)大阪大学同上同上技術研究所同上同上統合制御システム開発本部MBD革新部衝突性能開発部MBD革新部同上技術研究所社外への発表論文一覧表(2019年1月~12月)主催・大会名

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