マツダ技報 2020 No.37

―56―(10) B.D. Gepner et al.: Comparison of Human Body (11) K. Rawska et al.: Submarining Sensitivity across 泉山 朋大 (12) R. Richardson et al.: Test Methodology for Human Surrogates, ESV paper no. 19-0243 (2019)(13) T. Izumiyama et al.: The Analysis of an Individual (14) T. Izumiyama et al.: Analysis of Individual (15) T. Izumiyama et al.: Identification of Influential 山縣 大樹 杉本 繁 during Frontal Crashes, IRCOBI conference, pp.282-292 (2019)Models in Frontal Crashes with Reclined Seatback, IRCOBI conference, pp.293-307 (2019)Varied Anthropometry in an Autonomous Driving System Environment, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol.20, sup2, pp.S123-S127 (2019)Evaluating the Reclined Seating Environment with Difference in Human Skeletal Alignment in Seated Posture and Occupant Behavior Using HBMs, IRCOBI conference, pp.549-560 (2018)Differences in Pelvic Shape and its Impact on the in a Collision, IRCOBI Seatbelt Kinematics conference, pp.44-46 (2019)Factors for Seatbelt Kinematics in a Collision and Analysis of their Influence Degree to the Kinematics, IRCOBI conference, pp.456-469 (2020)■著 者■朝日 龍介澤井 亮西田 周泰 鈴木 崇 福島 正信

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