The first-generation Familia was premiered with great fanfare at the 11th Tokyo Motor Show in 1964. As Mazda’s first family car, its beautiful flat deck body style commanded strong public attention. The aluminum alloy air cooled 4-cylinder engine was soon called the "white engine" from its bright casting surface color.
As a small passenger vehicle with a perfect balance of performance, ride comfort, style and economicality, the Familia soon earned rave reviews. By 1965, monthly average of 3,000 units were sold, and the Familia’s market share reached over 30%.
The first-generation Familia should be credited for starting Mazda’s history of family cars.
Share your own Mazda story with a hashtag #withMazda.
Whenever I drive from Hiroshima to Okayama to visit my grandparents, the R360 Coupe had always been my partner on the road.
For a long time, my dream was to buy and drive the Porter Van. Meeting with other fans and owners to celebrate the 50th anniversary is a wonderful memory that I will never forget.
Since I discovered the CX-8, I began to deeply appreciate Mazda’s manufacturing philosophy.
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